Eating Disorders
Recovery from an Eating Disorder, while at times can be a very difficult and painful journey, is absolutely possible with the right support system and a multidisciplinary treatment team. People with eating disorders come from all walks of life and due to the fear and shame that most experience, many are reluctant to seek professional help. We get it and we're glad you are here.

Extensive Experience Treating Eating Disorders In Adult Men, Women, & Mid-Late Teens
Anorexia | Bulimia | Binge Eating Disorder (BED)
ARFID | Orthorexia | Compulsive Overeating

Eating Disorders are serious conditions that affect both men and women. They are often linked with other mental health issues, such as depression, anxiety, and substance abuse. When left untreated, or even under treated, eating disorder behaviors tend to progressively worsen over time having a negative impact on practically every aspect of your life along the way. It is completely possible to feel as though other areas of your life are going okay, but when it comes to food and body image issues, it’s as though you become a completely different person. The thought of life without your eating disorder probably feels scary and overwhelming. There will be times you want to hold onto it for dear life, times when you hate it, and we promise you will inevitably experience times when you want to give up all together. With the right support and guidance, we firmly believe that you will be able to break free from your eating disorder’s destructive patterns, regain your health, and find the joy in life again.
Our goal is to help you feel balanced and to live your life to the fullest. When food consumes such a large portion of what you think about, it can seem almost impossible for things to be different. These thoughts that revolve around food, body and size in a seemingly endless loop are thoughts that are not being used for creating a life you want to live. We will help you find ways to nurture yourself so you can start living the life that you've always dreamed of. While you might not know it yet, you are capable of finding trust and peace with your body, mind, and food.